Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tickets and Weekend Photos Part One

I bought my TICKET!!!!
I am seriously on my way. 
My poor coworkers had to humor me as I bounced around the office so nervous and excited about actually purchasing my tickets to AFRICA.. and tickets in Africa! 
By far the largest purchase of my life thus far. 
I am so exciting and buzzing with the reality that I am really GOING TO AFRICA! 
Jesus is Lord!

Now for the LOOOOONG awaited weekend pictures. 
As I mentioned before... Eat, Pray, Love does not come out until August 16th. So Jean Michelle and I saw Coco and Igor instead. After, we took a gorgeously warm walk through our city and central park.. ending up on the fountain of Lincoln Center (pictures to come). This is the second weekend this month that I have ended up on this fountain counting down the hours to midnight. Such a beautiful city I live in. 

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